Welcome to WoMo!
Storyteller: Cyrus Brown | Court Emissary: Cyrus Brown
Hellllooooooo users of World of Monarchs! First let me say, that I along with the rest of the staff are SUPER excited to have you here on our site, I see so many of you online already and I hope you're here to stay!

Now that's out of the way, it's time to introduce the media aspect of WoMo. In case you didn't know, I'm Cyrus Brown, the Court Emissary (SoMe Lead) and I watch over the Storytellers here on WoMo! Our job is to spread the word of this amazing site through all of our social media pages, and to entertain you guys here on the site with fun blogs/competitions!

Is the Storyteller team something you'd be interested in? Well, that's amazing because we're looking for members! You can go to the Royal Academy tab, under School Rooms, and there you'll find the clubs! Once there check out the Storyteller club, and check out the application, but I'll also leave it below just in case!

Now, you should keep an eye out on the blog for any future posts that we have! We usually post weekly, but we still post on our social media because it is our job! So you guys should also follow our Instagram, @worldofmonarchs If you're not interested in joining my team me crying you can send any blog ideas to me via letters! I hope that you guys enjoy the site, I hope to see you around in the chat!

Application for Storyteller:

➣ Be atleast 13 years old IRL
➣ Have time to post a blog each week
➣ Have experience with Social Media
➣ Be able to work in a group professionally


Application Must Have:
➣ Character name and IRL age
➣ Why should you be hired?
➣ What can you contribute to the team?
➣ Experience with Social Media? If yes, please go into detail. 
➣ A blog post idea fully explained and written(coded or not coded)
➣ Extra Users
When finished please send your application to Cyrus Brown via Letter Posts with the subject titled 'Your Name-Storyteller Application'. You'll hear from me whether you get the spot or not, so keep that in mind when applying. If you have any questions at all send me a Letter Post and I'll help to the best of my ability!
Royal Regards,