Issue nº 2 Week 1 (September) Year 10
Hi there <3
Welcome to a new issue of purple magazine! Something great has happened to us in the purple corner, we finally have someone to clean up our paperwork and make us tea - fun, we finally have someone to lead us! Drum roll please- Sion Eastwood will lead us from now on and I tell you, nobody can do it better than Sion <33
Soo but now to my real topic... As you know we have 4 countries, with different values etc. And today I'm going to compare a few of the houses for you, unbiased of course, cough cough ,.... Scotland on top*
the winners of the....
...ALLEGIANCE POINTS country:Scotland(552 points)person:Benjamin Garth (with 221 points)
... the land with the most members england and scotland (222 members)
...the country with the most people with jobs England with 14 persons with the most new members in the last 30 days England with about 11 new members with the highest level member Spain- Lorenzo De Carvallar Lvl 38 with the most RP's over the whole time Scotland with 34 RP's
the conclusion
So that's it, as you can see, England and Scotland have delivered a good performance, because England and Scotland has won in 4 categories. But there is one country missing - France... Unfortunately, this country didn't win anything, but hey, you can't blame them, they're certainly a good country <3 maybe they'll make it next year. Oui oui, baguette

xoxo Marvin Wilson