Eastwood's Corner

Edition 009

Welcome to another edition of, I like to call, Eastwood's Corner. It is a blog that consists of a story, one's own story about their time in the royal court. The focus of this blog is so everyone learns about the jobs and staff at the Queen's court.

Let's meet the staff!
(hover over the area below to read)


Edition 9 is about the lovely Royal Artist, Melvin Dunn. A little introduction about him, Melvin somewhat a chaotic person, but still keep his own order. Probably like the typical artist! However, the closest thing you can say is that he enjoy my life. If something does not fit him, then that is just changed, because life is too short to deal with dissatisfactions for a long time.

Privy Council

These each lead their own team and deal with a specific area of the site. More info on these can be found in the User Jobs section below. These can be in-game roles, and each Leader does have an in-game job on the Privy Council.

When I asked him what made him how he was today and his role in the court, this is what he said, "My role within the royal court is, as mentioned before, I am the Royal Artist, so I take care of the artistic design at court. I would say, first and foremost, my travels. I have traveled to many countries in my youth and got to know their culture intensively. Of course, something like that leaves its mark and has left its mark on me as well."

That's it for Melvin! We wish him extremely well in his role for the royal court. Next up is Ezekiel Valzue, our Flying Squad Leader.  


Emissary Team

Sion Eastwood

Marvin Wilson

Luana Preston

coded by Issie