Eastwood's Corner

Edition 011

Welcome to another edition of, I like to call, Eastwood's Corner. It is a blog that consists of a story, one's own story about their time in the royal court. The focus of this blog is so everyone learns about the jobs and staff at the Queen's court.

Let's meet the staff!
(hover over the area below to read)


Edition 11 is about the lovely Languages Tutor, Anthony Ridley. A little introduction about him, Anthony is a bookworm with sea legs, as he spent half of his youth at sea. If he’s not in his office then you will most likely find him somewhere on the Academy grounds, either with his nose in a book or on the back of his horse as he enjoys going for a ride when taking a break from his work at the Academy. When he’s not at the Academy, Anthony can be found at the home that he shares with his wife and two young children. In the past he would long for the open sea, but now he’s perfectly content exactly where he is.


These users are the Tutors for the Royal Academy. They make the classes you will take, help grade assignment queries, answer your class-specific queries.

I’m the Language Tutor at the Academy. It’s an important position as my teachings open doors which were previously closed for my students, especially since the students of the Academy all come from four different countries which means that they don’t all use the same language upon their arrival. My lessons help the students overcome this obstacle, and as the years progress the students will learn the basics and structures of several other languages which can hopefully be useful for them in their future endeavors. When asked what made him who he was today, this is what he had to say, "I wouldn’t have been where I am today without the people I’ve met along the way, and also the students that I've taught as Language Tutor. At first I thought of the position as tedious and a waste of my time, but my students proved me wrong as they constantly surprised me by excelling in my lessons and indulging in the knowledge that I offered them. Now I don’t see my job as a waste of time, but rather an opportunity to share my knowledge with others and watch on as new people take on the challenge of learning languages which were previously unknown to them. And most of all, I of course have my lovely wife to thank for enlightening my life. Everything I have, and everything that I am, is all thanks to her."

That's it for Anthony! We wish him extremely well in his role in teaching our members. Next up is another one of our lovely tutors, can you guess who is next? They are really good at dancing and the music of the soul.  


Emissary Team

Sion Eastwood

Ellana Blackthorn

Luana Preston

coded by Issie
