Media Mayhem: The Hidden Truths

Welcome to my first blog, Media Mayhem: The Hidden Truths. Where we will dive into the world behind the newspaper, where we will discover the truth, the history, and the meaning behind the newspaper articles.

In this edition, we will be diving into the most recent article “Snow Spoils Crops”

Now you’re probably thinking “We already went over what is happening and what needed to be said.” But that was only the tip of the iceberg. What if I told you there was so much more behind the story than what was said?

Now it said in the article that farmers are warning that we are in for a hard winter, with snow hurting crops and animals seeking refuge. Well! When I was speaking to farmers while doing my research, they explained that some farmers had planted crops in the wrong season and planted crops way too close to the snow season. They also said that they have been storing food in warmer areas to ensure it would spoil so that they could go to the courts and ask for more fresh supplies.

And now, I do not know about you but is it not normal for animals to want to stay warm during the snow season? The farmers that I interviewed said that the only thing that they have noticed is that the animals have been a bit restless and uncooperative! One farmer even went as far as to say that one of his cows even walked right up to his house and walked all over his wife’s flowerbeds crushing them.

And the Inventor. Mad indeed! When I went to speak to him he stroked his beard and explained “ahh, so that is where my supper went!” Well, one thing is for sure, regardless of what anyone said I think it is safe to say that we should always be prepared for the snow season.