Travel Tales: Stories From the Road Less Traveled

Welcome back to my blog, where we will travel, see new sights, and meet new people.
I stayed at the Inn at Kennelworth until the sun set on the third day.

They finally got the animals back onto the farm where they belonged, but not before the animals made a lot of damage.

Pigs brought down tents, goats ate flowers from gardens, and both ran amuck in the village!

Now, the kids that were chasing the animals were caught and brought to the local judge,who told them that they needed to plant new flowers for the families who had their flowers destoyed. and that they needed to help out on the farm without letting the animals free. as well as fix the tents that had been broken.

Well, on the day I was supposed to leave I found another letter sitting on my seat in the carriage, it read "I think it would be fun to travel to St Marksburg"

Well, that must mean that St Marksburg will be my next destination!

When I arrived at St Marksburg, the village was eerily quiet, the doors were all closed, the windows are all shut. I got out of the carriage and noticed that the sky was also errily dark. While I was staring up at the sky, I noticed out of the corner of my eye a white figure walking by. "Hello!" I called out, hoping the figure would stop and answer some of the questions I had but it did not. So I decided to follow it hoping that it will eventually notice me. After while the figure stopped and turned back to face me. I could tell that it was a woman, very translucent in the dark. "Hello." I said again, she didn't respond just stared.

Perhaps I can get more information and will be able to conduct more interviews in the next couple of coming days. Join me again next week as we dig into the mystery of St Marksburg.