Hello and welcome back to our weekly blog, where twice a week you get a new blog article to embark on a new adventure through history.

In the last article

In the last article, we spoke about the quirky yet infamous medieval musical instrument: the Clavichord, and we interviewed the fabulous Anastasia Barclay, who gave us a fun interview with her insights.

In This Article

In this article, we will be talking about the beautiful medieval instrument, the harp. And today we will be interviewing…Gerard Windhelm. So let’s get into the interview, shall we?

The interview


Hello Gerard, thank you for joining us today for the interview. How are you today?


Good morrow madam! Aye, I am well.


That’s very good Gerard. So I have a few questions that I would like to ask you about the musical instrument the harp.


Aye! I know a thing or two about the harp. See when I was a lad, I had this…


Wonderful, so do you know anything about the medieval musical instrument harp?


Aye! A harp has a lot of strings and looks like a heart, is there a correlation, who knows?


I believe there may be a correlation between the two, but that is my opinion. Alright, tell me, in your opinion what would you say is a harp?


A harp is a string instrument that one would play with two hands, alas they would have to sit while playing as the harp can be quite tall and heavy, it is so large that the strings are vertical, and if I recall the harp rests on the ground, madam. If that is your real name! (Grunts slightly)


Hahaha, Oh boy…Let’s go onto the next question. Have you ever played the harp?


A harp, no…I have never played a harp…I once was at a tavern on the other side of the village drinking some brew, and there was a madam there playing the harp. Aye, it had a beautiful sound.


That sounds lovely Gerard, now onto the next question. What would you describe the sound that the harp makes?


(Another slight grunt) Madam, I believe the sound goes like this a bring a ding a ding. Let me explain harp plays a great melodic tune that if one were to listen to it play they would believe that they are in an enchanted forest full of little fairies.


Oh, that sounds nice, maybe I will listen to someone play the harp sometime.


Aye, madam, it is a true relaxing sound, it is.


The next question is a little more simple, If you have a chance to rename the harp, what would you name it?


Madam, I would name it the Heart of Strings, since it is shaped like a heart, and has strings.


Alright, I have two more questions for you today, If you could play the harp in any other way, what would it be?


Aye, madam, I wish the harp could be made smaller so I could put it on a plank of wood and make it mobile.


As we're nearing the end of the interview


Oh that’s really nice Gerard, I have one more question for you tonight if there was anything you would like to say to end this interview with, what would it be?


I would say “My name is Windhelm, I am a warrior, not some measly peasant, but a warrior! Tenth generation to be exact.”


Fascinating, Well thank you for your time today and for letting me interview you for the medieval musical instrument the harp.


The Conclusion

Now I know, I know the interviews have been fun. But with all the fun things, they must move on for even more fun to come. We have so many fun ideas coming your way, so be sure to stay updated on these articles!!

Fancy writing a blog of your own?
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Georgia Clearless

