Hello and welcome back to our weekly blog where twice a week we get a new blog article to embark on a new adventure through history.

In this article I would like to talk about some of the Tudor England's culture.

What was the Tudor Era?

The Tudor era hapopened between 1485 and 1603, which also included the Elizabethan era during the reign of Elizabeth I.

They say that the Tudor dynasty had art, archetecture trade, exploration and commerce.

During the population growth in the 1600's it simulated economic growth agriculture increased, as well as growth in the trade of wool. And all around growth of London.

And don't forget the cultrual achievements in the eLizabethan era attracted many scholars!

Courtship and Marriages

The courtship and marriages in Tudor England was considered the transition of youth to adulthood, it not only brought men and woman together but also their parents ansd families.

The lower class had more freedon to choose their spouces. However, the higher classes had to consider ways to build their wealth, evaluate their positions in society, and or secure alliences between families.  

Food and Drinks

The food that was consumes during the Tudor period was commonly bread, where meat was eaten mainly Sunday through Thursdays and the fish was eaten on Friday's and Saturdays especially during lent!

New foods were commonly being brought from the newly found America's such as potatoes, and the red juicy tomatos! Ale and wine were the most common drink you would find in Tudor England.


Clothes and Fashion

The womans fashion in Tudor England consisted of long gowns, usually with sleves. Where men's fastion consisted of a linen shirt or chemise, a doublet with matching sleves, with a full skirt to the knees and what is called a hose.

With all of this, it's no wonder Tudor England was full of beautiful culture! they had beautiful art, archetectchure, food, clothes and landmarks!


The End of Today’s article

  During the Tudor England there was so much that had changed and happened, between the reformation, to all of the kings and queens during the Tudor era, from Henry VIII to Elizabeth I, there has been so much change but with all of that change one thing stayed almost consistant: The culture.

With all this, I would like to now leave you with a riddle, What comes in the color red, and white. It can be sweet or bitter, and is commonly accompanied by food? If you have the answer send it to Georgia Clearless for a prize.

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Georgia Clearless