Lord Ledger: A Father, A Friend, and A Flawed Man

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In this article, we'll look into the the life of Lord Ledger, a character in Bridgerton's prequel, Queen Charlotte. Join us as we look into this character as well as their influence.

Who Is Lord Ledger?

Lord Ledger is a character introduced in the Bridgerton prequel Queen Charlotte, played by Keir Charles.He’s the father of Violet Bridgerton, the matriarch of the Bridgerton family. As the father of Violet Bridgerton, his kind, thoughtful, and progressive nature greatly influences her upbringing. He plays a vital role in shaping Violet into the strong woman that we see in the main Bridgerton series.

Lord Ledger and Lady Danbury

In Queen Charlotte, Lord Ledger forms a profound bond with Lady Agatha Danbury, a newly-widowed woman. They meet during one of his daily walks, discovering that their properties border each other. Their connection deepens through these walks, where they share personal reflections and concerns about society.

Eventually, Their bond leads to a brief but significant affair. But despite all that has happened, This forbidden relationship provides Lady Danbury with the recognition and confidence she needs to embrace her strength.

Shonda Rhimes, the creator of Queen Charlotte, spoke to the significance of this relationship, saying, "To me, anyone who turned out the way Violet did had an excellent father. I wanted to give her this excellent, amazing father, but I also wanted him to be human and to have this flaw."

His Role in Violet Bridgerton's Life

Lord Ledger plays a crucial role in Violet Bridgerton’s upbringing. Unlike her mother, who is often strict and disapproving, Lord Ledger nurtures Violet’s curiosity and intelligence. He lovingly refers to her as “beauty and brains,” a reflection of his admiration for her intellect as well as her beauty.

In one scene from Queen Charlotte, Lord Ledger disagrees with his wife about Violet's behavior at a ball, insisting that she is perfect and will not embarrass them, displaying his unwavering support for his daughter.


Lord Ledger is compassionate and progressive, one of the few in his circle to genuinely appreciate Lady Danbury and her people. His influence on both Lady Danbury and Violet helped shape them into the strong, independent women we know from Bridgerton. Though flawed, his humanity and kindness are central to his character’s legacy

Written by: Stella Lockwoods
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