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In this article, we will be discussing King George III, we will talk about who he was and what he did along with many many more things.

Who Was King George III?

King George III was king of Great Britian and Ireland from October 1760 until his death in 1820. King George III was also concurrently the Duke and Prince-Elector of Hanover before becoming king of Hanover on October 12th 1814. And unlike his two predecessors, king George III spoke English as his primary language.  

Following his fathers death in 1751, Prince George became the heir apparent and Prince of Wales, Prince George succeeded the throne and became King George III. The following year he married Princess Charlotte of Macklenburg-Strelitz.

How did King George reign?

King George III added his accession speech to demonstrate his want to distance himself from his German forbears. During his reign, Brittian was considered a constitutional monarchy. The first years of his reign was seen as having politial instability, mainly as a result from dissagreements over the seven years war.  

During King George III's reign his health deteriorated, his illness gave him acute mania and until the mid 20th century the illness was considered to be psychological. And in 1966 a study suggested that the illness was in fact psychological but it was caused by a liver disorder called porphyra.


King George III's Final Years.

  In late 1810 king George III was virtually blind from cataracts and had a lot of pain from rheumatism. King George III also had a relapse in his mental disorder and became very ill.  

King George III accepted the Regency act of 1811 and the Prince of Wales (George VI) was the regent for the remainder of King George III's life. And despite the signs of recovery, by the end of the year, king George III went permanantly insane and he spent the remainder of his life in seclusion at Windsor Castle.

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Georgia Clearless

