Hello and welcome back to our weekly blog, where twice a week you get a new blog article to embark on a new adventure through history.

In This Article

In this article, we will be talking about what winter is like in the Tudor era, I wanted to bring back the interviews for something special today, Something that will make you truely think. And today we will be interviewing…Jimeney Cristof. So let’s get into the interview, shall we?

The interview


Hello Jineney, how are you today?


Good morrow madam! I am doing well, tis getting a bit cold out lately eh?


It is getting a bit chilly out these days, Is it okay if i ask you some questions?


Yes, I think that would be alright.


Wonderful, so question one, what is winter usually like for you?


eh? cold, I'm always shivering. *cough cough* Going to the restroom in the outhouse is a pain in the behind, especially when the seat freezes.


Does the seat really freeze? Anyway, moving on. How do you prepare for winter?


I crawl under my bed and pull out all of my winter coats and blankets, then I put all of my summer clothes in the doorway. For a matter of fact, the most important thing is keeping the cold out.


Hahaha, Oh boy…Let’s go onto the next question. How do you stay warm in the winter?


Well, as you know, I am known for having many mistresses. *Winks awkwardly with both eyes* I use my many fur coats that I have aquired throughout my life, and sleeping by the fireside. *Winks again*


Oh dear! That sounds...Well next question, Do you do any fun activities in the winter?


*grunts slightly* I like to go snow shoeing, which is putting two planks on your freet and walking in the snow.


Oh, that sounds nice, Maybe I should try that sometime.


Aye, madam, I wish you really would, the crisp sound the snow makes as you step into it on the planks. its a one of a kind sound it is.


The next question is a little more simple, Is there anything else you would like to add about winter?


I wish I could move closer to Spain, It's a lot wamer than here where I live, where I don't know...


You don't know where you live?


Aye, madam, I would like it if someone could help me out here with my locations, perhaps that is something that they will make in the future. You know, where you can find out your location.


As we're nearing the end of the interview


Oh that’s a really good idea you have there, I do hope someone helps you with finding your location though, that sounds like a terrible situation to be in.


indeed, Thank you for the advice.”


Of course, well that's all I have for you today, I hope we will have a chance in the future to have another interview.


The Conclusion

That was truely interesting, I do hope that we invite Jimeney Christof back to our blog soon for another interview.

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Georgia Clearless

