Welcome back to our weekly blog, where we will dive into history twice a week. And today we will be talking about The beautiful Tudor Rose.

What is the Tudor Rose?

The Tudor rose is the traditional emblem of England, and it got it's name from the House of Tudor, at which was meant to unite the house of Lancaster and the House of York.

What is the origin of the Tudor Rose?

During the battle of Bosworth, Henry VII took the crown of England from Richard III of the house of York.

The white rose verses the red rose was mainly Henry VII's intention and it was created to exploit his appeal as a "peacemaker king"

Henry VII adopted the Tudor rose badge that jonjoined the white rose of York and the red rose of Lancaster.

What does the Tudor rose symbolize?

To put it simply, the Tudor rose symbolizes the English Monarchy. And at today the Tudor rose is currently only used on the coat of arms of Oxford.

You can also find floral emblems on many of the older buildings, especially on the Hampton Court building.

What are the colors of the Tudor Rose?

Well, to start. The Tudor rose is depicted as a double rose, a white rose in the middle of a red rose.

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Georgia Clearless

