As you know traveling in the Tudor era was completely different from how we travel today, let's get into talking about some of those means of transportation.

Traveling by horse.

Depending on how far you are traveling in the Tudor era people would either use their own horse or they would "hire" a horse. These horses are called "post-horses" these horses were usually found in Inn's and they were usually used by mail carriers and hired by travelers.

Traveling by boat.

Traveling by ships were usually saved for explorers that used sailing ships called galleons, and each travel could take up to several years to complete.

Traveling by walking.

The majority of people in the Tudor era that needed to travel but could not afford to have their own horse, nor can they "hire" a horse, they would end up walking to the location that they need to go to. Though this could end up being very dangerous depending on where they were going and if it was in the winter or not.

Though there are a few ways of traveling, there is also a misconception in there being a four-wheeled carriage in the Tudor era.

Four-wheeled carriages

Some people believe that four-wheeled carriages only came about in the Elizabethan era, however, there are also people who say that Henry VIII has a very extravagant "Many" wheeled carriage.

There are many ways in which people traveled in the Tudor era, and no matter how you travel, I'm sure that the view was beautiful.

Question time: what do you think about the four-wheeled carriage? Do you think it was around? yes, no? why?

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Georgia Clearless

