Echoes of the Kingdom:
WoMo Lives Unveiled

writer - duncan valzue

Greetings everyone and welcome back to our weekly blog.

Usually we post something about the history facts and we loved sharing interesting facts with you about our past, but this time we'll do something different. As you all know, the site is going to be closed this november, so we decided we should spend more time acknoledging about the users of this site, the important members who made this site worth staying during the course of it's running.

If we are doing a blog series about interviewing the users of the site, why don't we start with the very first user who landed on the site since it's existence? That's right, today we will be interviewing our beloved Ava Hay!

Greetings to our Monarch. How are you doing today?

Greetings Duncan! I am doing just fine. How are you doing?

I am doing wonderful, thank you for asking. As you know, we are going to ask you some questions today. Are you ready to answer them for us?

Absolutely! I am all ready!

Wonderful then! Here comes the first question. How was it when you first came in? What were your first impressions and how do you feel now?

I remember the first time logging into site was when we were at staff launch stage, the site looked very different then as we were still playing about with colours and coding, at one stage we were blue, at another we were purple, then we settled on the colour pallette we have now.

When everything was ready and we were waiting on launch, I just felt anxious, I wanted everyone to be happy with the site, and hoped that those that had invested both time and money into the site felt that it lived up to their expectations, and I guess I now hope they've enjoyed that journey.

I am sure everyone who joined womo has only had nice memories to go on with. Here comes the second question.. How has being part of this community impacted you personally or creatively?

I'm something of an empath and have always aimed to make people happy and enjoy WoMo as it's not my site, it's our site. I guess the biggest lesson I've learnt and how it's impacted me is that it's impossible to please everyone, you can try, but it's not always possible, and you have to go with the majority. Another great thing is that I've managed to get to know, become closer to so many incredible people.

That is such a valuable lesson that everyone needs to learn in their life. The only person who one should truly please is themselves. Being content with yourself is very important. Now what are some of the most creative or unique characters you encountered from other players?

That's really difficult question, I think if I think about unique character, complex backstories I have to say people like Ezekiel Valzue, Iain Ros, Jaqueta Palencia, Allina Fairbairn and Eleseo Cespades. I know there's bound to be people I've missed but those people always stood out.

I am glad to see my father mentioned for this. Now what are some of your favourite memories from your time in the academy?

The last plot was a lot of fun to read, and the countless awards we've had. I guess my all time favourite memory was launch day, so much excitement, actually seeing all the hardwork people had put in actually come to fruitution and the feedback we received was phenominal.

Were there any in-game events or holidays that became community traditions over time?

So many people have come and gone on site that they all brought unique traditions, the May Day Event was lots of fun!

Last question for today, what’s been the most surprising plot twist or development in your character’s journey?

Being such a romantic at heart in real life, I guess it's more of a personal plot twist, but never having had her marry was a really difficult thing for me personally, because I love writing about love. I think in the early days Ava was a little naive and lately she's made some unpopular decisions to help her people when they may not see it at the time.

That indeed is a plot twist, Ava! Thank you so much for your time, it was much appreciated.

If you wish to be interviewed as well, send me, Duncan Valzue a letter and I will send you your own set of interview questions.


Who doesn't like the chance to get prizes. The excitement of winning is good and we're giving you a chance to live that moment!

We will be giving you two tasks for this little contest. All you have to do is read about them below and if you think you can do it, then all you need to do is send your answers to Duncan Vlazue

TASK 1: Answer the following questions and send us the right answers to them:
1. Before marrying Mary, Queen of Scots, Lord Darnley held a different noble title. What was it?
2. Lord Darnley had a significant claim to the English throne through his mother. What was her name?
3. Which musical talent did Lord Darnley possess that was praised at the royal court?

TASK 2: This is the interesting task. Look at the picture given below:

This dude in the picture is our very own Lord Darnley. But he is missing some parts of his pictures. He needs your help in finding them. Can you help him out?

All you have to do is look around the site, look at all the topic forum areas, click on different topics and when you find the pieces you can either send up the link to the topic, or explain to us in detail which area, and what is the topic name of the topic in which the jigsaw pieces are.

the deadline to send your answers in is by 12/10/2024 EST. Hurry up, there's only one day left.
