Echoes of the Kingdom:
WoMo Lives Unveiled

Writer - Stella Lockwood

Greetings everyone and welcome back to our weekly blog.

As many of you are aware, the site will be closing this November. With that in mind, we wanted to take the opportunity to celebrate and reflect on the incredible members and staff who have made this community so special. These individuals have left a lasting impact and made this place a true home for many.

Last time, we had the pleasure of chatting with our beloved monarch, Ava Hay. Today, we're thrilled to introduce another cherished member of our community—none other than our favorite 'Blackberry,' Myrtle Rego!

Hello Myrtle, welcome, and thank you for joining us today.So tell us, how are you doing today?

Oh I’m doing good! What about you?

I am doing good, thank you for asking. As you know, we are going to ask you some questions today. so let’s start, shall we?

Absolutely! Bring it on!

Wonderful then! Onto our first question then! A new world means many new adventures and many experiences that come along with it. So tell us, What was your first day at the academy like? How did you feel stepping into this world?

My first day was... busy to say the least. I was late for my first class, early for my last, and I kept on getting lost in the halls. Over time though, I became better at picturing myself on the academy map, and I have found my way around.

Haha, trust me, I’ve been there and done that, But hey now that you've found your way, how have your studies at the academy shaped the person you are today?

I think they have made me stronger. More late nights, more early mornings, and more resilience to wars. Before I joined, I could barely pick up a sword. Now I can hold my sword, and fight with it too.

That's wonderful! What subject or skill did you find the most challenging during your time here?

Oh definitely music and dancing. Not much has changed since my first year. I believe I will always have two left feet.

Oh well, we all have our strengths and areas where we can improve, makes the journey more interesting, doesn't it? But let’s shift gears a bit. What about the highlights? Can you share some of the most fun or memorable moments you've had during your time here on WoMo??

One time, I kept on getting all the quests in chat... I think I got like five in a row? It was quite funny, but I earned a lot of points for England!

Woah! Talk about streak! What are some things you'd miss the most now that we've reached the end…well close to the end?

The people mostly, and the books. I hope that Ava posts the WoMo site books somewhere, so we can still see them.

Mhm Oh and speaking of people, I think we can all agree that the sense of community is truly special. Can you share a bit about your experience on the site? What role did it play in your life?

WoMo was the second WoX site I joined, so it's very special. I found a community here, who would welcome me into their group, unlike many other sites.

Aww that's wonderful to hear! I hope you enjoyed your time with us and will continue to keep in touch with us. Thank you so much for your time and patience, it was much appreciated.

And That's a wrap for today folks! If you wish to be interviewed as well, don't hesitate and send Duncan Valzue a letter and he will send you your own set of interview questions.
