Echoes of the Kingdom:
WoMo Lives Unveiled

writer - duncan valzue

Greetings everyone and welcome back to our weekly blog.

Usually we post something about the history facts and we loved sharing interesting facts with you about our past, but this time we'll do something different. As you all know, the site is going to be closed this november, so we decided we should spend more time acknoledging about the users of this site, the important members who made this site worth staying during the course of it's running.

If we are doing a blog series about interviewing the users of the site, why don't we start with the very first user who landed on the site since it's existence? That's right, today we will be interviewing a precious part of our site, Cassandra Black!

Greetings Cassandra. I remember your name means 'helper of men'. I am sure you live up to your name. But how are you doing today?

Greetings Duncan! I am doing just fine. How are you doing?

I am doing wonderful, thank you for asking. As you know, we are going to ask you some questions today. Are you ready to answer them for us?

Absolutely! I am all ready!

Wonderful then! Here comes the first question. What are some things you'd miss here on WoMo?

more classes, more lessons, chatting and roleplaying

I am gonna miss those things about the site too, alongside missing being here with a community that felt like family. But moving on, here comes the second question, what historical figure do you relate to the most and why?

Mary because she is proved to be strong, powerful and not giving up and not impendence on any king or any royals.

Mary does serve as an inspiration to many women and men with her bravery and confidence in herself as a ruler. If she was around today, she would have been called an 'badass'. What first attracted you to join World of Monarchs?

It is based on the tv show 'Reign' which I really liked.

I like that TV show as well. It was part of the reason I joined WoMo, other half being an enthusiast of history. Who has been your greatest mentor or inspiration at the academy, and how have they influenced you?

The professors of art class and of journey class - not to be afraid show your feelings and thoughts and that i am very creative and it seems that the art calmed me down. I also discovered an talent for art suddenly.

I would love to see your artwork someday. What inspired you to create this character, and how have they evolved over time?

Historical figures, this site and my creatively helped it evolved, became More happy, calm, less nervous, friendly more, powerful.

Last question for today, if your character had a motto or philosophy, what would it be?

Carpe Diem.

"Carpe diem" is a Latin phrase that means "seize the day". That indeed seems like a motto for Cassandra! Thank you so much for your time, it was much appreciated.

If you wish to be interviewed as well, send me, Duncan Valzue a letter and I will send you your own set of interview questions.
