What's It Like Having A Job: Privy Council Edition
Storyteller: Cyrus Brown | Court Emissary: Cyrus Brown
Hello hello users of WoMo! We're back once again, with insights on what's it like having a job, and I think you all will enjoy this weeks staff member.
This week we will be focusing on the Privy Council, and from our Privy Council we have the one and only Court Deputy, Anna Blair! To be a part of the Privy Council means your part of the site management. Each member of the Privy Council leads a team here on World of Monarchs, like how I am leader of the Storytellers and Anna is leader of the Guards and so on! Moving on, Anna has quite the information about her job, and it was really exciting to interview her so let's take a look at what she has to say!
Words from Anna:
"Having a job is amazing, it's like a glue that keeps me connected to site. No matter what kind of job it is, it just... makes me part of the pack.

Being a staff is like being role model 24/7/365, and you should always be near if someone needs you. It's still learning process for me, as I never carried yellow paint before. I'd say that hardest thing is to pick the team up and make sure that all are doing their jobs on time (I'm watching you), but best thing is help someone to get a grip how site works. I like to think that we’re here more to help, rather to point out to mistakes."

Being a part of the Privy Council myself, I couldn't agree more with Anna! Having a job, isn't exactly one of the easiest things, but if it's something that you enjoy I'm sure you'll grow into it perfectly! And if I'm correct, I believe Anna is still hiring Guards so if that interests you, you can give her club a look!

What's that? Your interested in becoming a Storyteller? Well that's wonderful because we're currently hiring! You can take a look at the application below or check out the Storyteller club! If being a Storyteller doesn't interest you crying but you have a nice blog idea maybe? Well then you can send me Cyrus Brown a letter with any ideas you have!

Application for Storyteller:

➣ Be atleast 13 years old IRL
➣ Have time to post a blog each week
➣ Have experience with Social Media
➣ Be able to work in a group professionally


Application Must Have:
➣ Character name and IRL age
➣ Why should you be hired?
➣ What can you contribute to the team?
➣ Experience with Social Media? If yes, please go into detail. 
➣ A blog post idea fully explained and written(coded or not coded)
➣ Extra Users
When finished please send your application to Cyrus Brown via Letter Posts with the subject titled 'Your Name-Storyteller Application'. You'll hear from me whether you get the spot or not, so keep that in mind when applying. If you have any questions at all send me a Letter Post and I'll help to the best of my ability!
Royal Regards,